We’re For.

Further Education and Training continues to be an attractive progression choice for many of our second-level student graduates in the region. This choice has been further enhanced by the Government of Ireland’s multi-million additional funding for apprenticeships and a commitment to increased places over the past 5 years.
We also offer targeted Further Education and Training to meet the specific requirements of employees and our enterprise partners across Limerick and Clare. Through the Skills to Advance employee development initiative we can provide your business with accessible training opportunities, which fit in and around your business and work schedules.

What We Offer

Our Enterprise Engagement Support Service offers targeted Further Education and Training in line with the National Skills Strategy to meet the specific requirements of enterprise in the region. It facilitates ongoing dialogue with employers, employees, and skills fora (like the Mid-West Regional Skills Forum) to respond to identified skills and training needs in the region. The service harnesses regional skills intelligence to enable skills development opportunities through apprenticeships, traineeships, and other training routes.

Skills to Advance

We also manage the delivery of the Skills to Advance employee development initiative. A Government of Ireland initiative, delivered by Education and Training Boards, Skills to Advance has been established to enable targeted support for vulnerable groups in the Irish workforce and to meet the challenges of rapid technological advances and the changing work environment. It offers upskilling and reskilling opportunities to employees and SMEs through Further Education and Training. In addition, Skills to Advance can assist SMEs in identifying their training needs and provide training to their workforce.

Through Skills to Advance, we can provide your business with accessible training opportunities, which fit in and around your business and work schedules.

Talk to us today about how we can provide your business with accessible training opportunities, which fit in and around your business and work schedules.
Phone: Lysinda on 086 067 5793
Email: skillstoadvance@lcetb.ie

Get in Touch

Enterprise Engagement Support Service
College of Further Education and Training
Raheen Campus
Cloughkeating Avenue
Raheen Business Park
Limerick, V94 CV66
Email: enterprise@lcetb.ie
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