Computer Aided Engineering (CNC)
Award: City and Guilds Level 2 Diploma in Advanced Manufacturing Engineering
This traineeship will provide you with all the skills needed to take up employment as a CNC Operator/Setter/Programmer. Full time course (49 weeks including 12 weeks on-the-job learning).
Location: College of FET, Raheen Campus.
Progression / Employment Opportunities
The successful completion of the traineeship in CNC Machine Operation will enable applicants to find employment a variety of manufacturing and engineering environments or continue to a wide range of further or higher education options to further specialise through long- or short term training programmes, such as computer programming, robotics and engineering e.g BEng Precision Engineering, TUS.
Machine Tools Operations
QQI Level 5 Special Purpose Award
This traineeship will provide you with all the skills needed to take up employment as a Machine Tool Operator. Full time course (38 weeks including 10 weeks on-the-job learning).
Location: College of FET, Raheen Campus.
Progression/Employment Opportunities
The successful completion of this Special Purpose Award will enable applicants to find employment as a Machine Tool Operator in a manufacturing environment or continue to a wide range of further or higher education options in the engineering and manufacturing industry, e.g Toolmaking apprenticeship, Degree in Manufacturing Engineering, TUS.
Youth Work Traineeship
QQI Level 5 Major Award
This 11-month full-time traineeship equips you with the knowledge and skills essential for a career in Youth Work. You will learn about the issues affecting young people and gain insights into the challenges faced by communities across different social settings. This programme is delivered in educational and workplace settings. There is a minimum 30% work placement, which we will help you secure. This traineeship is delivered in Limerick City.
Progression / Employment Opportunities
On successful completion, you can progress into employment and work under supervision in a youth work environment or continue your learning journey with higher or further education and training opportunities.
Electronics Manufacturing
QQI Level 4 Major Award
This 6-month fully funded programme is a joint initiative between Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board and the Mid-West Regional Skills Forum. You will be provided with the skills and certification required for employment within the electronics assembly industry, for example, printed circuit board assembly. It involves a work placement where you will have an opportunity to apply your newly acquired skills. As well as learning key employability skills, you will experience hands-on training in the electronic assembly process, robotics, and digital electronics.
Progression / Employment Opportunities
On successful completion, you will receive a QQI Level 4 Major Award. You will be equipped with skills to gain employment in the electronics manufacturing industry. This programme is also a pathway to further learning in Further Education and Training.
Workboat Master
Award: Advanced Powerboat Certificate /R.Y.A. and other industry-specific certification
This traineeship will provide you with the skills, competencies and certification required for employment within the Maritime sector, for example, passenger boats, fishing vessels, boat repair and maintenance. Full time course – 12 months including 4 months on-the-job learning. Location: College of FET, Kilrush Campus, County Clare
Progression / Employment Opportunities
The successful completion of the Workboat Master traineeship in will enable learners to find employment within the maritime industry e.g. passenger boat Master, fishing vessel crew, pilot boat coxswain, or to progress onto further or higher education Marine Courses and specialised industry-specification certifications and qualifications e.g. ISA/RYA Yachtmaster offshore, OPITO (Offshore Petroleum Industry Training Org.) Cork
Motor TechnologyÂ
QQI Level 5 Major Award
This traineeship will provide you with job-specific skills including diagnostic, maintenance and installation procedures on electronic and mechanical components used in the motor technology industry, as well as opportunities for personal development and job seeking skills. Full time course – 46 weeks including 15 weeks on-the-job learning.
Location: College of FET, Hospital Campus, County Limerick
Progression / Employment Opportunities
The successful completion of the traineeship in Motor Technology will enable learners to find employment within the Motor Technology sector, progress on to a Motor Mechanic Apprenticeship or to progress to further or higher education or training in a variety of areas, such as Electric Vehicle Engineering and Automotive Technology e.g Level 6 Motor Mechanics apprenticeship, Automotive Engineering and Transport Management – BEng (Hons) TUS
Robotic Welding
ISO 14732 – Welding personnel – Qualification of testing welding operators and weld setters
This traineeship will arm the next generation of welders with the skills required to work in today’s advanced manufacturing industry. Developed in partnership with DesignPro Automation, you will discover the key functions of a welding robot, develop robotic programming skills and learn the most advanced mechanised welding techniques.
Progression / Employment Opportunities
On successful completion, you will receive 3 ISO certified robotic welding qualifications, empowering you to gain employment as a Robotic Welding Operator/Programmer in the manufacturing and engineering industries. You may also progress to Advanced Robotic Welding Programming and Robotic Simulating.
Award: City and Guilds Level 2 Certificate
This traineeship will provide you with the necessary skills in shampooing, styling, plaiting, dressing and twisting to enable you to secure employment in a hair salon, as well as work practice safety and job seeking skills. Full time course – 40 weeks with 60 days on-the-job learning. Location: College of FET, Raheen Campus11his 9-month traineeship
Progression/Employment Opportunities
The successful completion of the traineeship Hair Dressing will enable learners to progress directly into employment or self- employment in the Hair Industry, or to continue to further education and training such as the City and Guilds Senior Trades Certificate or an apprenticeship programme at QQI Level 6
Award: EN ISO 9606-1 Welding Certification
This traineeship will provide you with the skills required to develop a number of work-ready welding techniques across a wide range of engineering projects. Full time course (26 weeks including 9 weeks on-the-job-learning).
Location: College of FET, Raheen Campus
Progression/Employment Opportunities
The successful completion of the Welding Traineeship will enable learner to progress directly to employment across a wide range of settings or a range of further training in Engineering, metal fabrication, construction Structural steel and progression to pipe welding, e.g. Coded Pipe Welding, CFET, Shannon.
Aircraft SpraypaintingÂ
City & Guilds Level 3
This 26-week traineeship will equip you with the skills required to strip aircraft of existing finishes, prepare aircraft for refinishing and apply aircraft paint by hand and by spray gun in a safe and professional manner. You will receive on-the-job and off-the-job quality assured training in Shannon, County Clare.
Progression / Employment Opportunities
On successful completion, you will receive a City & Guilds Level 3 qualification, empowering you to seek employment as an Aircraft Spraypainter.
Bicycle Engineering
Foundation Certificate | City & Guilds Accredited
2850 Mechanical Engineering in Manufacturing Course
Are you interested in working in the bicycle industry? This traineeship will empower you with knowledge and skills in professional bicycle maintenance engineering, including frame design and build, welding, brazing, wheel building, and frame geometry.
Progression / Employment Opportunities
On successful completion, you will gain a Certificate in Engineering and four independent qualifications and meaningful work experience. You will be able to seek employment as a professional bicycle mechanic and explore many other engineering opportunities within this exciting and expanding industry.
Business Administration with Office 365
QQI Level 5 Major Award
The aim of this full time Traineeship is to enable participants to be able to succeed working in an office environment with a high level of skills in bookkeeping, payroll, Office 365 & Teams communication tools, using word processing and spreadsheet tools and providing excellent customer support both in person and through social media and marketing streams. The course is 46 weeks in duration. There is 12 weeks learning on the job.
Progression/Employment Opportunities
This traineeship will enable you to work successfully in an office environment, to work independently and under supervision in an administrative role in a range of business settings and/or to progress your learning
Robotic Process Automation DeveloperÂ
This 12-week online course, delivered by ABP School of Automation, will introduce you to the concept of Robotic Process Automation (RPA). You will develop your skills and knowledge necessary for a career as an RPA Developer.
Progression / Employment Opportunities
On successful completion, you can progress to our Software Process Automation Developer Traineeship which will advance your skills and knowledge to seek employment in roles such as Junior RPA Developer, Process Automation Developer/Consultant, Process Automation Solutions Architect and Project Management.Â
Aircraft Maintenance Technician Atlantic Aviation Group
This Aircraft Maintenance Technician traineeship is run jointly by Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board with Ryanair/PAM Ltd (Prestwick Aircraft Maintenance Ireland) or with Atlantic Aviation Group (AAG).
Successful completion of the course leads to EASA Part 66 – Category A – Aircraft Maintenance Licence.
The course is a combination of classroom-based theory and hands-on training in the hangar. This course is full time for 119 weeks. Progression / Employment Opportunities
Progression / Employment Opportunities
On successful completion of both the theoretical modules and practical experience requirements,  you can apply to the Irish Aviation Authority for an EASA Part 66 Category A – Aircraft Maintenance Licence.
With this licence you would be qualified to work as an Aircraft Maintenance Technician.
With further study and experience, you could progress to study for a Category B licence.
Aircraft Structures Technician
This 18-month traineeship will equip you with the skills required for a career as an Aircraft Structures Technician. The traineeship has been designed to equip you with skills and knowledge to carry out structural inspection, maintenance and repairs.
Progression / Employment Opportunities
On successful completion, you will be competent to EASA standards in maths, physics and other specified EASA modules and will be qualified to seek employment as an Aircraft Structures Technician.
AI and Security Fundamentals Traineeship
Successful completion of the course leads to Microsoft and CISCO certification.
This 1-year full-time traineeship provides you with the fundamentals of computer networking and a foundation in computer systems and cyber security concepts. You will gain relevant industry certification in AI, 365, CISCO Networking and Cyber security, Python, Database, Microsoft Azure and compliance. This programme is delivered across 52 weeks including 14 weeks on-the-job learning at our at College of FET, Raheen Campus, Raheen Business Park, Cloughkeating Ave, Raheen, Limerick, V94 CV66.
Progression / Employment Opportunities
On successful completion of this programme, you can progress directly into employment within the industry or to higher or further education and training in a variety of areas, such as Electronic and/or Computer Engineering e.g. BSc Computer Networks and Cyber Security, etc.
Beauty SpecialistÂ
This is a 46 week fully-funded programme. You will be provided with the skills and certification required for employment within the beauty industry. It involves a work placement where you will have an opportunity to apply your newly-acquired skills to work under supervision or independently within the beauty sector and complimentary industries, and/or to progress to further education and training.
Progression / Employment Opportunities
On successful completion, you will receive an ITEC Level 2 Beauty Specialist Diploma . You will be equipped with skills to gain employment in the beauty sector. This programme is also a pathway to further learning in Further Education and Training
HGV Professional Driver
This 7-month traineeship will provide you with job-specific skills including rules of the road, driving a heavy goods vehicle, both rigid and artic body, care and maintenance of the vehicle, loading and unloading, customer service and document management. On-the-job training will be provided by our industry partners while off-the-job education and training will take place at our College of Further Education and Training, Raheen Campus.
Applicants must have a Provisional C licence in place. The selection process for this programme includes Cab Test, English Test and Interview.
Progression / Employment Opportunities
On successful completion, you will be equipped with skills to gain employment as a HGV driver in the industry.
What is a Traineeship?
A traineeship combines learning in an education and training setting and in the workplace. They take 6 – 20 months to complete. Traineeships provide you with job-specific training and workplace coaching with an employer at Levels 4 to 6 on the National Framework of Qualifications.
Traineeships give employers access to a pipeline of talent and learners. They also give you, the learner, the opportunity to gain valuable experience in real work and industry environments, making you more skilled, more employable and enhancing your employment opportunities.
The traineeships we offer are linked to the National Framework Qualifications (NFQ). This 10-step fan diagram maps Education and Training in Ireland, so people can easily find out what level they are at.
Our Traineeships
Education and Training Boards are the primary provider of traineeships, working in partnership with employers. Unlike apprenticeship, traineeship is not governed directly by legislation in Ireland. Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board continues to work in partnership with employers across this region, identifying skills gaps in different industries and developing new partnerships. Below is a listing of traineeships we currently offer.
Aircraft Maintenance Technician |
Aircraft Spray Painting |
Aircraft Structures Technician |
Beauty Therapist |
Bicycle Engineering |
Business Administration with Office 365 |
Cabin Interiors Workshop Technician |
Coded Pipe Welding |
Computer-Aided Engineering (CNC) |
Customer Service within the Service Industry Traineeship |
Equestrian International Instructor (BHSAI) |
Food and Beverage |
Hairdressing |
Healthcare Support |
HGV Professional Driver Traineeship |
Machine Tool Operations |
Nails and Beauty Treatments |
Pathway to Aviation |
Patisserie and Confectionary |
Robotic Welding Traineeship |
Senior Trades Hairdressing |
Supervisory Management for Hospitality |
Web Development* |
Welding |
How to access a Traineeship for Trainees
Traineeships are open to all potential learners, of all ages and backgrounds, and are free of charge to participants. Trainees may include school leavers, career changers, older learners, those in employment and those who are unemployed.
If you are unemployed and wish, following engagement with an Intreo Case Officer, to access traineeship to upskill for employment, you may be eligible for a training allowance or income support. Groups eligible for income support include those in receipt of Jobseekers Benefit or Allowance, a One-Parent Family Payment, a Jobseekers Transitional Payment or Disability Allowance. Full information on eligibility for unemployed groups is available via
How to access a Traineeship for Employers
Participating employers agree to provide a minimum of 30% of the programme as work-based learning. Where a new traineeship is being developed, employer representatives are asked to contribute to the design and content of the programme, to ensure that it meets the skills needs identified and is in a format that facilitates participation and overall success.
Employers interested in an existing Traineeship or in creating a new Traineeship with Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board can email or can contact our Enterprise Engagement Support Service:
Enterprise Engagement Support Service
Further Education and Training Centre
Raheen Campus
Raheen Business Park
Limerick, V94 CV66
(061) 487 900
Traineeships available nationally
- Greenkeeping
- Animal Care
- Business Administration
- Business Systems Service Technician
- Legal Administration
- Medical Administration
- Office Administration
- Supervisory Management Leadership
- Supervisory Management for Hospitality
- Early Childhood Care and Education
- Healthcare Support
- Health Service Skills
- Social and Community Care
- Special Needs with Intellectual Studies
- Youth Work
- Construction Skills for Employment
- Interior Systems
- Overhead Lines Operative
- Aircraft Maintenance Technician
- Aircraft Structures Technician
- Architectural Technology and
- Computer-Aided Design
- Computer-Aided Design
- Engineering and Motor Technology Skills
- Engineering OEM
- Engineering Operations
- Engineering Precision Manufacturing
- Engineering Technology
- Laboratory Assistant
- Welding Fabrication
- Wind Turbine Maintenance
- Beauty Therapist
- Beauty with Make-up Artistry
- Hairdressing
- Accounts Executive
- Certified Accountancy Pathway
- Financial Administration
- Barista
- Barista and Bartending Skills
- Food and Beverage Service
- Hospitality Level 4
- Hospitality Level 5
- Patisserie and Confectionery
- Automated Software Testing
- Digital Sales and Marketing
- ICT Systems and Principles for IT
- Professionals
- IT Network Security
- IT Support Specialist
- Software Developer
- Tech Support Engineer
- Aircraft Spray Painting
- Cleanroom and Packaging Operations
- CNC (Computer Numeric Control) Operator
- Life Sciences Manufacturing Operations
- Machine Tool Operations
- Manufacturing Technician Maintenance
- Skills Technology
- Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
- Quality Management (Quality Assurance)
- Animation
- Broadcast Production Skills
- Digital Media Production Skills
- Radio Production & Digital Journalism
- Sports Broadcasting
- Builders Merchants Sales
- Pharmacy Sales Assistant
- Retail Associate
- Retail Skills Health and Beauty
- Equestrian International Instructor BHSAI
- Outdoor Activity Instructor
- Sports Recreation and Exercise
- Surf Instructor & Beach Lifeguard
- Local and National Tour Guiding
- Bus and Coach Driving
- HGV Driving (Pilot)
- Logistics and Distribution
- Manufacturing Supply Chain and
- Customer Service Logistics
- Supply Chain Logistic
Further information on all Traineeships can be found on
Contact Us
For further information on any of our Traineeships, you can search or email
Or you can contact our Recruitment Officers:
Recruitment OfficerFurther Education and Training Centre
Shannon Campus
Shannon Industrial Estate
Shannon, Co. Clare, V14 CR63
(061) 706 100 Recruitment Officer
Further Education and Training Centre
Raheen Campus
Raheen Business Park
Limerick, V94 CV66
(061) 487 900